by Dr. Nivedita Dadu
There are a few different reasons why laser hair removal might be the treatment for you, including PCOS or deranged thyroid menopause – where the reason for excess hair growth is hormonal levels. Also, laser hair removal encourages the hair to grow straight, so it’s a great solution for ingrown hairs.
While most of us may be thinking that dark, coarse hair in females is only a cosmetic concern, the truth is that this hair may be an indication of an underlying hormonal imbalance, which needs to be diagnosed and treated. By getting a laser hair removal treatment under the supervision of a trained dermatologist, you will receive the right medical management and the amazing laser technology under one roof.
There can be various different reasons for excessive hair growth such as:
*Some women experience excessive hair growth during Pregnancy
*Hormonal imbalance for e.g. PCOS in women
*Thyroid can be a reason for excessive hair growth
*Side effects of certain medicine
*IR Issues;
*Frequently waxing or tweezing the unwanted hair may eventually lead to excessive hair growth.
Laser hair removal works by heating the follicle and destroying the hair at the root. The skin around the hair remains unaffected.
Laser hair removal is a safe and effective treatment for the most common areas of the body, including the face, back, legs and arms. For the most delicate areas, including the underarm and bikini line, laser hair removal is a gentle process.
During the treatment the patient might feel sensations on the skin which is tolerable. In case of patients who feel more sensitive a local anaesthesia can be given before the treatment.
While some patients may experience long term hair removal results, your results depend on the characteristics of your hair, treatment area, and hormonal issues. Results may vary person to person.
Upto eight treatments are needed for maximum results for most of the patients and the treatments are typically scheduled at an interval as suggested by the dermatologist. Only “touch-up” treatments are required after your first series of treatments.
Dr. Nivedita Dadu and her staff will be happy to discuss laser hair removal treatment and its benefits with you. Please feel free to call for a private consultation at our clinic in Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. All patients at Dadu Medical Centre receive the expert medical opinion of Dr. Nivedita Dadu and undergo a work up for hormonal imbalances (PCOS, thyroid etc.) before starting the laser procedure. Dr. Nivedita has worked at some of the most reputed government and corporate hospitals of Delhi and has a vast and varied experience of handling laser cases. That’s not all! To ensure you get optimum results, we at Dadu Medical Centre use the latest and very effective lasers which are gold standard for painless and fastest hair removal and suitable for all skin types.
Dadu Medical Centre uses state of art technology. Diode laser is considered as a Golden Standard in Hair Removal, which has changed the way hair removal has ever been done before. The system makes the laser hair removal experience more relaxed and enjoyable than ever before. It is almost painless, safe for all skin types, fast and very effective. For fine hair, an option of alexandrite laser is also available.
Both diode & Alexandrite lasers are totally safe. The machines are used all over Europe, Middle East, Asia, and America in top dermatology clinics, have more than 2 years of laboratory research and trials and more than 10 years of studies on these lasers to support.
1. Pregnant women
2. People at work exposed to the strong sunlight
3. People sensitive to light, drug and intensive light source
4. People with sensitive skin
5. People with epilepsy or scar or with habitus
6. People with unhealed wound that is to be treated
7. Diabetic
8. People with high expectation
If the laser is being performed by a trained therapist, under the supervision of an expert dermatologist, taking care that all necessary precautions (like skin miniaturization and hydration) are taken and the laser parameters decided according to the type of hair (coarse or fine), the site which is being lased (face, underarm, genitalia etc) and the complexion of the patient (fair or dark), you can be assured of optimum results with no side effects.

Contact Us

Dadu Medical Centre

Vasant Vihar
A2/6 Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, 110057, India

Rajouri Garden
J-12/25, First Floor, Rajouri Garden New Delhi -110027, India

  • Clinic Timings
  • Monday - Saturday: 09:00 AM - 7:30 PM
    Sunday: 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM
  • Timings for Consultation
    Dr. Nivedita Dadu
  • Vasant Vihar: Tuesday & Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Rajouri Garden: Monday, Thursday & Friday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • +91-9810939319, +91-9667721501
  • info@dadumedicalcentre.com

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Disclaimer: The content on this website (www.fullbodylaserhairremoval.com) is solely for the purpose of educating and creating awareness about the domain i.e. Laser. This shall not be treated as a substitute to a professional dermatologist's advice or prescription. There is no guarantee of specific results and the results for any treatment mentioned on the website may vary, as every individual and their skin conditions are different.

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